Q When will the new assessments roll out?
Q How many hours will the tests take to complete, and how will the time be scheduled?
Figure 1. PARCC's Nine Testing Sessions, Spread Across Two Testing Windows
The Common Core Assessments: What You Need to Know-table1
Maximum 4-week window after 75% of instruction | Maximum 4-week window after 90% of instruction | |
Performance-Based Assessment | End-of-Year Assessment | |
English Language Arts/Literacy | "Number of testing sessions: 3 Assessments: Three tasks, in which students must read one or more texts, answer several short comprehension and vocabulary questions, and write an essay based on evidence from the text(s). One literary analysis task. One narrative writing task. One research simulation task. Scoring: Combination of machine and human scoring." | "Number of testing sessions: 2 Assessments: Multiple item types on fixed-form tests. Will focus on comprehending complex texts, including vocabulary interpretation and use, using 4–5 texts. Scoring: Machine scored." |
Mathematics | "Number of testing sessions: 2 Assessments: Will focus on the Major Content of the grade/course as defined in the PARCC Model Content Frameworks. Multistep, real-world problems will require the application of key skills, processes and practices. Scoring: Combination of machine and human scoring." | "Number of testing sessions: 2 Assessments: Multiple item types on fixed-form tests. End-of-course assessments in grades 9–11, with traditional and integrated mathematics sequences supported. Scoring: Machine scored." |
Figure 2. Smarter Balanced's Multiple Testing Sessions
The Common Core Assessments: What You Need to Know-table2
Maximum 4-week window after 75% of instruction | Maximum 4-week window after 90% of instruction | |
Performance-Based Assessment | End-of-Year Assessment | |
English Language Arts/Literacy | "Number of testing sessions: 3 Assessments: Three tasks, in which students must read one or more texts, answer several short comprehension and vocabulary questions, and write an essay based on evidence from the text(s). One literary analysis task. One narrative writing task. One research simulation task. Scoring: Combination of machine and human scoring." | "Number of testing sessions: 2 Assessments: Multiple item types on fixed-form tests. Will focus on comprehending complex texts, including vocabulary interpretation and use, using 4–5 texts. Scoring: Machine scored." |
Mathematics | "Number of testing sessions: 2 Assessments: Will focus on the Major Content of the grade/course as defined in the PARCC Model Content Frameworks. Multistep, real-world problems will require the application of key skills, processes and practices. Scoring: Combination of machine and human scoring." | "Number of testing sessions: 2 Assessments: Multiple item types on fixed-form tests. End-of-course assessments in grades 9–11, with traditional and integrated mathematics sequences supported. Scoring: Machine scored." |
The PARCC Assessment Schedule
- Grade 3: eight hours.
- Grades 4–5: nine hours and 20 minutes.
- Grades 6–8: nine hours and 25 minutes.
- Grade 9–10: nine hours and 45 minutes.
- Grade 11: nine hours and 55 minutes.
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Schedule
- Grades 3–5: seven hours (includes up to one hour of in-class activity).
- Grades 6–8: seven hours and 30 minutes (includes up to one hour of in-class activity).
- Grade 11: eight hours and 30 minutes (includes up to one hour of in-class activity).
Q What supports can educators draw on to help with the transition to these new assessments?
- The PARCC and Smarter Balanced websites (<LINK URL="http://www.parcconline.org">www.parcconline.org</LINK> and <LINK URL="http://www.smarterbalanced.org">www.smarterbalanced.org</LINK>) contain key supports for educators, including documents that delineate the skills and knowledge that will be emphasized in the assessments (PARCC's Model Content Frameworks and Smarter Balanced's Content Specifications) and sample items and tasks. Professional development modules and model instructional resources will be added over time.The Smarter Balanced website includes online practice tests for grades 3–11 (<LINK URL="http://www.smarterbalanced.org/pilot-test">www.smarterbalanced.org/pilot-test</LINK>), which are open to all. PARCC will provide practice tests in spring 2014. These will enable educators and students to become familiar with the item types, level of rigor, and computer interface for the assessments.
- Achieve the Core (<LINK URL="http://www.achievethecore.org">www.achievethecore.org</LINK>). Developed by a nonprofit with leadership from some of the authors of the Common Core standards, this site offers free Common Core–aligned lessons, samples of student work, assessment questions, and professional development modules to support the transition to the new standards. The site encourages educators to "steal these tools and share them with others."
- Engage<SUPSCRPT>ny</SUPSCRPT> (<LINK URL="http://www.engageny.org">www.engageny.org</LINK>). This site contains highly detailed curriculum modules with mid-module and end-of-module assessments, professional development kits for teachers and principals, a library of videos that exemplify the shifts in instruction, and a library of resources for families. All materials are free.
Stepping Up to the Challenge
Alternate Common Core Assessment Consortia
In addition to the PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessment consortia, the following four consortia have been established to design alternative assessments for students for whom the general assessments may not be accessible or valid.
<EMPH TYPE="3">For students with significant cognitive disabilities:
National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC): <LINK URL="http://www.ncscpartners.org">www.ncscpartners.org</LINK>
Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment Consortium (DLM): <LINK URL="http://dynamiclearningmaps.org">http://dynamiclearningmaps.org</LINK>
<EMPH TYPE="3">For English language learners:
Assessment Services Supporting English Language Learners Through Technology Systems Consortium (ASSETS): <LINK URL="http://assets.wceruw.org">http://assets.wceruw.org</LINK>
English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21): <LINK URL="http://www.ccsso.org/Resources/Programs/ELPA21.html">www.ccsso.org/Resources/Programs/ELPA21.html</LINK>