We dedicate this book to all those who work in schools, day in and day out, to create a more just and inclusive world; without you, this book would have no purpose. Thank you for living your commitment to engage in the exhausting but urgent work of creating more equitable schools.
To my teachers, those I chose and those who chose me, including and especially my BIPOC teachers (whether you've come as a friend, colleague, student, or formally as an instructor)—I am better because of your patience, care, courage, and commitment in pushing me to see differently and know beyond the confines of my race, gender, class, abilities, and upbringing. I hope you find in this book that your hard work and investment have paid off in some meaningful way.
To Max, Shelia, and Sam—You, too, are my teachers. You have taught me how to truly love. I am inspired every day by your intellect, persistence, courage, sensitivity, and commitment. The world is better with each of you in it.
To Jim, my forever love—You are the wind beneath my wings. I am endlessly grateful for all the ways you love, encourage, support, challenge, nurture, and care for me and our family.
To William and Gabrielle—Thank you for the hard questions that you ask. You are loving, smart, thoughtful, and tenacious in ways that make me a better educator. I love you to the moon and back.
To Bill—Thank you for all of the love and support you continue to show me day in and day out, year after year.
To my teachers (in formal and informal settings)—I am because of you.
To Angela—Thanks so much for the incredible support you have provided in your own loving and unique way. Surely I am a better person because of you and your commitment.
To Nia Ayanna—Thank you for bravely continuing to speak up and out. Your wit and humor continue to amaze me, sometimes challenge me, and make me so proud.
To all of my teachers—Though you are too many to name, you have collectively taught me to explore, agitate, dream, discover, and study harder as you encouraged me to continually strive to reach my potential. Asante Sana!
To my teachers from kindergarten to today—Thank you for your patience, insistence, and belief in my abilities, even when those were hard to see. To those who continue to push me to see the world more fully, to see myself more critically, and to understand the ways we can change the things we cannot accept, thank you.
To Ella and Sam—Thank you for your ebullient spirits and for making lots of lemonade. Remember, we need to choose what is right over what is easy.
To Gretchen—Thank you for sharing your heart and for your fierce commitment to building a more just community… also, thank you for glamping with me.
To Jeanne and Liz—Thank you for your care and the ways you relentlessly make the world better. And bagels, thank you for introducing me to NYC bagels.
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